About Department of Chemistry:


             Our Department was established on 20.06.1968 with warm blessings of Shri. Shri H. H. Mahant Swamiji of Murgodmath. Prof. V. V. Jatti has joined as H.O.D. and Principal of our College. Prof. S. V. Pattanshetti, Prof. A. A. Inchal, Prof. Smt. B. H. Patil, Prof. S. B. Sarur, Smt. V. G. Patil, Prof. G. R. Dodmani and Prof. M. U. Sharanappanavar are instrumental in developing the Department. It has 3 spacious and well equipped laboratories, store room and Departmental Staff room. Our Department has purchased the necessary equipment’s with the help of UGC as well as college fund. The Department has small library. Student strength and results are satisfactory.

           The alumina of our Department is serving in various government, private and social sectors and Department puts sincere efforts in overall development of students.


The Present Faculty:




Prof. U. B. Hunagund

M.Sc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Kumar Naik K.H.

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Jyoti Madar

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Mr. Vinay N. Tallur

M.Sc., B.Ed.

Assistant Professor

Mr. M. K. Patanshetty

S. S. L. C.


Mr. B. J. Murgod

S. S. L. C.



Seminar :  Department of Chemistry and Physics jointly Organized an IQAC Initiative

“One Day National Level Student's Seminar on "Frontiers in Nuclear Science for Sustainable Development"

in our college, on 7th September 2018.

Department of Chemistry